Monday, March 30, 2015

Saturday, February 8, 2014

In The End

Is it me or does life seem to drop obstacles in the way of your plans for no reason at all. Just think about it, you're moving forward with something; it's working pretty ok and you are beginning to see the fruits of the situation.  So what happens.... inevitability comes storming it's way in....

Welp needless to say here I am, once again pondering over the mishaps of nothing but that old saying:


One of the dumbest statements people make is this one:
That's just who I am. I say that's only an excuse to avoid putting in the work. Either you have given up on something or you're just not willing to put forth the effort. 

Change comes from Self. The desire to do things differently or improve in some areas that are in need of some sort or balance comes from within you. One has to first acknowledge that there is a need for improvement or rearrangements.  Either way there still has to be a direct talk or dealing with your inner person.

To find peace in your heart isn't always easy but it is very possible and it's required if you plan to have peace in your world.

Spending time alone in your own world can help bring you closer to that inner peace. Focus on your goals, your plans and your ideas. Grasp them in your mind and hold on to them. See them through and see the end result in your favor. Remember you need to see it in order to achieve it.....

Anything is possible so don't let others bring you to a point of disbelief in yourself. They only one who needs to believe in you is YOU.. Let your light shine through your movements. Forward motion should be your only focus and objective. And remember:



Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Lesson

Many times we miss the blessings or the gems (quoting my brother Mr. WITZ) in our daily affairs by simply forgetting to relax. In a slight moment when all seems to be lost and that 'end of the world' feeling pimples itself into existence we panic or become emotional with our decision making.

THIS becomes our first wrong move and a one way ticket to chaos......

Our union with existence should never be defined by mishaps or circumstances; but defined only by the chance to make another stance and prepare another approach.

Remember that all of your answers reside in SELF. The proof in this relies in one simple reality:
Whichever direction you choose to go,  you will always have to answer some questions or make some decisions that will land you in a conversation with "YOURSELF"

My struggle with my injury keeps me locked in a box so to speak but rather than be held captive to this reality I choose to fight like HELL to over come this.......

FOCUS ON SELF.........


Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Again I sit still and from out of the bluest skies someone whom I know mentions this to me again.
The Idea has crossed my mind several times and even this time it leaves me wondering.

It's funny how others see you in a certain light even though you may see yourself in another. The thing about it is this, even if you never see it in yourself it certainly doesn't mean that it's not your DESTINY.

Many times I've been called an instructor or was told that I should be a teacher of some sort yet I've never taken it to heart. I'm wondering today........

Being at peace with yourself will bring vision as well as realization to your present situation. Even those things that appear to be a great distance away can become nearer than you think once you listen to your inner self appeal to you and remove the clouded or impaired roadway to the next level of self.

Find your moments of inner peace with prayer, meditation or which ever essential tools you prefer. I don't know of anyone of those are greater than the other however this is the best voyage towards inner peace one can adhere to.

Wishing you all the best of peace on your journey......


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Evening Post

Since I was a young boy growing up in the East New York section of Brooklyn I can always remember how I would think of our ancestors. There was always this need or yearning feeling to hear them talk or speak to me. I wondered what they would say and how they would have taught me to deal with life issues. The thought of their tones and accents ringing so far deep in my spirit that I could feel exactly what they meant by each syllable they spoke.

That mystery still lives on today.

What saddens me is the thought of embarrassment and disgust they would feel if they were alive today. What would they say to the many ills that we support almost religiously just to fit with what society says is acceptable.  Again the thought alone is horrifyingly distasteful and beyond acceptability........

One of the greatest titles one could tattoo or brand on any man's life-line would be FATHER.
Father - hood with all of its challenges and obstacles certainly tops the iceberg, if you may.

Today I'm watching the movie Mandela with my family. Together we're sitting and watching how one race of people oppress another race of people because of the shade of their skin. The ignorance that plagued those persons back then have also remained embedded in the hearts of many of those with lighter complexions today. So as the questions ring out, the ears remain at full attention looking for answers.  REAL ANSWERS

As a father it is my obligation to make the truth known to them and give them the necessary tools needed to do better and be better than those before us. I refuse to water down the truth because that would be the lie that condemns them to death. A spiritual death. One that could sentence them to a life of darkness because the truth would be hidden...... I cannot subject my babies to such.

Let today be a starting point for you and your family. Share time with things that have validity rather than the obvious so called entertainment foolishness deemed fit by that status quo. The best judgement is made by those whom take time to reflect on what's being asked, just as well as the answers that should follow. It's a must that we create the future and create those that are HEAD STRONG and properly fueled with what we need to help our people and help all of humanity.



Monday, January 27, 2014


Another day another shot.......

As they say 'there is power in numbers' so who am I to disagree. I can whole heartedly go along with this statement and even sings it's lullaby from the core of my diaphragm but at the end of the day I have to realize there are quite a number of challenges that I have to go at alone.

My journey today consists of me seeking that inner peace and the preservation of self (meaning mind, body and spirit). Keeping in mind that this is one of the many solo road maps to the beginning of ME.

Today's message:

Channel all energies positive and negative in a direction that will become a road map for success.  Remember that you control your destiny by your decision making and the ability to make all things relevant to the betterment of your life's path.  You are in control of your actions and your thoughts. Think of your route, think of your success. Remember that there are positives and learning points in each and every event that you experience. It's up to you to deal with them as such.

Challenge yourself to be a better you today..........


Sunday, January 26, 2014


Interestingly enough I used to struggle with this topic. Internally. Why? Well because most people present the word selfishness in a negative manner or its usually taken as such.
Here's the funny thing about it, if you take for example anyone whom you have looked up to or attached any level of admiration to (if that person is successful in some form or fashion) trust and believe the word selfish had to find a way it trickle down their journey.

Self reflection allows acceptance of responsibility. Responsibility of all the many things that happen in accordance to one's plan and those things that cause disruption and interference within your plan.

Everyday should be a challenge to/for yourself to become better at what you do in whatever capacity that appears fit for your lifestyle.

Become involved with self. Become selfish in the aspect of self improvement and self elevation.

SELFISHNESS isn't a a bad thing when it doesn't have a negative affect on good vibes; righteousness; and those things that are in order with divine intervention.